Jockey Hollow's School Development Team, or SDT, is a group of teachers and administrators who began working together in the spring of 2004. The SDT is a vehicle by which teachers and administrators are given responsibility to work together to promote continuous improvement in students' academic performance. One of the roles of the SDT is to determine areas for which improvement is desired and then set goals for this improvement.
Goals are determined by examining various sources of data collected by the SDT. This data includes CMT results, grade level assessments, school grades, attendance reports and student surveys. Guided by the priorities determined by the examination of the data, the SDT defines a set of realistic goals, with measurable indicators of success, for improvement of student learning. Jockey Hollow staff uses the information gathered and the goals set forth by SDT to develop individual professional goals and action plans for the school year.
At the end of the school year, the SDT prepares a report designed to summarize for the school, the community and the rest of the district, including the central administration and the Board of Education: -strengths and weaknesses in student performance revealed by the data; -progress made toward achieving existing goals and; -priorities and specific goals for the coming school year(s).