Welcome to Physical and Health Education!
Stephanie VanDeventer
Athletic Director
Physical Education
[email protected]
Welcome to Jockey Hollow's physical education and sports page; the pride of the Lions. On the following pages you will find everything needed for interscholastic sports, intramural sports, and unified sports.
Interscholastic sports: a "pay to play" system in Monroe's middle and high school per Board of Ed policy. Each family is responsible for a $250 surcharge per sport with a cap of $1,000. These sports have tryouts for all of their teams. Further information regarding this is available on the interscholastic page.
Intramural Sports: These sports are club style sports with a different offering each season. There is no try-out and students are free to make their own teams with their friends. These activities carry with them a $20 fee and cumulate with a fun tournament style competition where the winning team will play a teacher team for the ultimate title.
Unified Sports: Is an inclusive sports program partnering Special Olympic athletes with partners as teammates for practices and competition. Our unified sports team competes against other unified teams in neighboring districts.